Vibrant Inside and Out

Our Approach

Stephanie Gardiner

Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner


Your Oasis

Our therapeutic treatments rejuvenate your skin and soothe the spirit. Stop in for aesthetic treatments at our Portland medical spa and order products to enjoy at home. We’re here to help you maximize this moment.

A Personal Touch

Everyone’s skin story is unique. We encourage all new patients to start with a free consultation so that we can meet you, discuss your needs, create a custom treatment plan, and start your skin care journey with a smile.

High-End Care

Vibrant U medical grade skin care is backed by science, and we offer a wide variety of cutting-edge aesthetic treatments. Our technicians are specialized, attentive, and focused on the details that matter most.

VibrantU Med Spa

1306 Main St

Vancouver, WA

(360) 382-1380